Thursday, January 30, 2020

Great tasting of the Geisse espumantes Vinci’s finis Brasileiras sparkling wines of Brasil, tasted at my home in late 2019 with Gray Mosby of Salveto Imports and the rep from aGeisse - great experience,ball the bubblies are bright, full, rich, focused, fine, fleshy, flirty fun espumantes! Bom dia e noite amigos! Obregado tambien!

A great moment in late 2019 Chez Quinn enjoying with Gray Mosby not Salveto Imports and the Brazilian rep from Geisse espumantes finis Brasileiras these really superb sparkling world-class bubblies of Brasil! Love them, loved it,drew these quick portrait sketches, too. Tony
Happy New Decade 2020-30! Happy Thursday 1/30/2020

Using my mother’s fine Lalique crystal glasses she bought in a Paris, France in the 1970’s and then later gave to me - all precious works of art like these fine Geisse bubbles! Cheers, Tim Tim Tudos!