Thursday, September 13, 2012

The 2nd-Part Of 3-Part Series BRALVIN Imports Launch Of Monday, Sept. 10th, 2012 - 1-5PM - A BIG SUCCESS!Bem Vindo E Obregado A Todos

The 2nd-part of a 3-part launch of BRALVIN Imports that specializes in Brazilian wines exclusively from the six-wine-producing areas of Brazil on Monday, September 10th, 1-5PM, at the ILDA Club in Annandale, northern Virginia and only a 45 minute drive from Washington D.C. was a huge success.

Assembled for viewing with the intent to taste at the 3-rd part of a 3-part series was a grouping of wines , the likes of which have never been seen before in one place here in the United States ever before. That is simply because many of the wines were from smaller producers that have not as yet worked the United States wine market. This is changing now in leaps and bounds with the help of Bralvin Imports.

Some key players in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area gathered together to brainstorm and lend their many years of experience and expertise to the three principles of Bralvin :Laurent Donchegay, Anthony Quinn and Katarina Zubber. Laurent's wife Elisabete from Sao Paulo was also there as she had prepared some of Brazil's most classic appetizers and they sure did complement the wines we served from CASA VALDUGA ( Reserve Merlot ), LIDIO CARRARO ( Reserve Merlot and Chardonnay ) and MIOLO ( Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and their Brut espumante/sparkling wine. We served these because they are what was available to us to show now. We thought of including the rep from the SALTO winery but he never returned our email unfortunately.

To promote " all things Brazil " we have to stick together in this odyssey/adventure. It's not easy. No one knows the wines of Brazil yet and we are thrilled to include these excellent wines I am also very excited to be able to say that I represent these wines at the store that I manage in Washington D.C. in the Cleveland Park Northwest neighborhood called Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel : 202-363-4265 ,, also on Facebook at : Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits and on Twitter @ cpwinespirits, and check out my other blog : ).

As a matter of fact we had our local rep from Winebow Selection Imports , Jody Jackman pour the LIDIO CARRARO merlot ( $13.99 ) the Saturday before , the 8th of September from 5-8PM ) for our customers to taste and buy. The merlot is also being poured by the glass at the IL PULPO restaurant on our block. So, as you can see we are promoting Brazil and starting to make some serious inroads, step-by-step with each day. Very inspiring, gives us all lots of hope and promise as we remember the closing ceremonies of the Olympics in London, England this past August and Brazil's presence with Pele himself and looking to the next Olympics in Brazil, as well as the World Soccer Cup, too.

We will add the pictures from both our events here shortly. They are downloaded, just not transfered here yet. Hopefully I can finish this by the end of this morning? We will see, running out of time already and it's only 8:10AM now on this cooler September Friday morning, the 14th, 2012! Both events have been quite instructive, productive and inspirational, too. There's a really good feeling accompanying all of this. Everyone is listening attentively and giving Laurent and myself plenty of room to explain and outline parts of our broader vision and how to accomplish it. Thanks guys.

Since I have been in the Washington D.C. wine business now for more than 30 years I have made many contacts and friends and had a whole lot of really positive business events and sales with many people. As one of the more successful importers of wine to the United States once told me ( Robert Whale of his own Robert Whale Aussie and Kiwi wine imports ) at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits, I paraphrase now : " Tony, you seem to have not burned many of your bridges over all these years and that's a real accomplishment in this business ". I try Robert to keep all my doors and windows open as you never know when your paths may cross again and when you may need each other's help and advice. Better to work together in a proactive, positive way as you move forward and along.

We had mostly people in the business come to both events : importers, wholesalers, brokers, a rep from Transo transportation, too. We needed to share our innovative, a bit daring venture and vision and get some current input from those intimately involved today in the U.S. wine business. Many of those invited came and really did give us plenty of time to share our vision and purpose. They did comment and offer their opinions and advice, too.

Those that did attend had much encouragement for us. We wanted to see if they were interested in working with us in some manner or fashion? This represents a great opportunity for many and we are able to fashion it and make it a reality for many as this business of wines being solf here in the United States will explode over the next five to ten years and become both a reality and a big success. Mark our words on this : we do know what we are talking about. My thirty-plus years in this business does enable and prepare me for much of what we are facing and will face as we continue to proceed steadily forward each and every day,

We will start by representing the wines of : 1) BOSCATO ( Nova Padua, RS ), 2) CASA FERDINANDO ZATTERA ( Conceicao de Linha Feijo, Caxias Do Sul, RS ) , 3) CORDILHEIRA DE SANT'ANA ( Estrada de Palomas, Sant'Ana do Livramento, Campanha, RS ) , 4) DOM CANDIDO ( Vale Dos Vinhedos, Bento Goncalves, RS ) , 5) DON GUERINO ( Alto Feliz , RS ), 6) DOMNO ( Garibaldi , RS ) 7) CAVALLERI ( Vale Dos Vinhedos, Bento Goncalves, RS ), & 8) PIAGENTINI and X DECIMA ( Caxias Do Sul, RS ).

We were able to line up all our samples of these bottles and to show them to everyone that attended and explain how we came to have chosen them as well as to say that on Monday, October 15th, 2012 we will open them all and share them with a larger group of those interested as we complete this initial 3-part series as we launch BRALVIN Imports here in the United States that will focus exclusively on promoting the wines of Brazil.

This is all very " new " and very exciting indeed. Follow us and our progress and if you are interested call us and let's see if there is anything that we can work on together?

Contact us at :, T ( 800 ) 617-9202, Cell : ( 703 ) 424-0093, Fax : ( 800 ) 517-9491.

" Que Maravilha! Sera um evento maravilhoso. Sucesso e muitas felicidades! Estaremos torcendo por voves " writes Fernanda Zattera a couple of days before our event.

We write : Bom vindo! Fazer uma diferencia!

And Patricia Carraro writes : " ... para ofercer vinhos que expressam todo o potencial do terroir Brasileiro com identidade propria, baseda em uma filosofia puriste. Convido a todos amantes do bom vinho a ter uma experienca comos vinhos ... ".

Cheers, obregado a todos! Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn

Stay-tuned for much more ...

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