Thursday, August 2, 2012

Brazilian Wine Bottles & Wine Labels Of Late June & August 2012 /So Much Promise To Share & Offer, So Little Still Known : Look-Read On!

This is just the start of many pictures to show the wealth and the colors, the clarity, the spectacle of all wines, labels, bottles, people and places BRAZIL. It's a pretty special place : I lived it richly and profoundly for ten days straight and have so much to say and to share and it will all take time.

Is this for the Olympics or for the World Cup : or for both? Laurent and passed it on our drive back from Porto Alegre heading back to the wine country of and around the Vale Dos Vinhedos and the town of Bento Goncalves where we stayed.

I will continue to add to this so enjoy these pictures so far and stay tuned for more. I will add as I have the time. Cheers, Muito obregado Brazil!!! TONY 8/3/2012

It was Brazil's winter here in late June, 2012.

I love black beans and rice and ate them every chance that I got. Also, seeing the labels marked DC made me think of Washington D.C. where I have worked for the last thrirty years in the wine business and seen it grow up all around me.

Wine Bottles, Wine Labels

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