Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Milton Sebben, Cossius Reis & Rodrigo Trevison Greet Us @ Dall'Onder VITTORIA Hotel Brazil In Late June, 2012 : Obregado!!

Pictured above is Milton Sebben that first greeted us at the front entrance to the Hotel Dall'Onder VITTORIA when we arrived quite tired and in a blanket of winter fog being high up in the mountains of Brazil in one of the principle wine towns of southern Brazil called Bento Goncalves.

It was quite the journey to finally arrive from northern Virginia just outside of Washington D.C. and to have driven two or more hours from Porto Allegre from sea level in a small, tank-like stick-shift Fiat on roads that many people still walk along as cars go speeding by on small and narrow country roads that are charming but I imagine could also be quite treacherous depending on split decisions made by pedestrians, motorcycles, cars and large container-long trucks.

Our stay at the Hotel VITTORIA Dall'Onder was good and central to where we wanted and needed to be and we enjoyed many good moments there. None greater, however than our arrival when we were greeted at night by Milton Sebben, Cossius Reis and Rodrigo Trevison. They were all great and all had brimming smiles. Milton offered us a glass of sparkling wine when we arrived at the reception desk there in the front lobby of the hotel. It was a glass of sparkling SALTON N.V. extra dry was it ( not Brut, though they make both )? It was delicious, really delicious and it helped to set the mood for us immediately and to let us know that we had finally arrived at our destination for the next several days! The journey was about to begin. We had done it : we were finally where we wanted to be. Milton helped to fix all of this wonderfully with his professional, assured, confident, personal demeanor as well as his warm smile. He was attentive , observant and helpful. he even offered me a second glass of the SALTON sparkling Brazilian espumante that was made right there in our new home of bento Goncalves. Obregato Milton, muito obregato!

As you can see in the photo above that I drew two quick color-pastel and ink portrait sketches of Milton as well as of Cossius below while I was there. It was my way of saying " obregato " for all their kindnesses.

Above is pictured Cossius Reis that was also a big help in getting us all set at the reception desk when we arrived for our stay with them.

It was marvelous, inviting, comfortable and a treat to have Milton, Cossius and Rodrigo greet us so warmly. They were all helpful, too and we made immediate plans to go leave our luggage upstairs and then come back down for dinner in their dining room there on the same floor. They told us about the grapes of Bordo and Isabel that we had to try. They told us about Salton and about Boscato. Milton even came to check on our progress in the restaurant as waitress Danielle served us our wine and steak dinner with a side of black beans and rice. Red wine and a meal like this never seemed better!

In Bento Goncalves, Principle Wine Town Of Southern Brazil. Other staff like Aliana, Danielle, Tainara are also quite helpful and everyone mentioned here really help to make the visit to Bento Goncalves and the Vale Dos Vinhedos, Caxias Do Sul, Garibaldi, Nova Padua and Alto Feliz the huge success and pleasure that it was.

We told Danielle our waitress that we would not be trying the Boscato Reserva Merlot that she recommended to us as we would be driving there to the vineyard the next day to meet the owners and to taste the wines with Clovis Roberto Boscato himself. We wanted to try a wine that we would not be otherwise trying, It was decided that we should try the Marson Gran Reserva 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon, 12% alcohol by volume. It was a real treat and it showed beautifully with our meal. Along with the Salton N.V. espumante we had indeed arrived and started our quest to try the wines of Brazil that are still largely, sadly unknown in the United States today.

We will work to change that now. Stay-tuned for more and enjoy these pictures in the meantime. I will add more to this as I have time. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn

Our drive to Bento Goncalves in the night and just before the fog I believe.

That lovely first glass of the sparkling SALTON espumante that Milton Sebbem offered us when we arrived at the Hotel VITTORIA Dall'Onder. Obregato Milton!!!!

Fabulous nightly music provided by this talented piano player pictured above. Bravo!

A part of the downstairs lobby where we would spend some time working and later thanking some of those that we met that made our visit so fruitful and rewarding like Fernanda and Ruy Zattera, Barbara Ruppel, Paula Valenti and Francine Kaga. Thanks to you all.

Smiles and more SALTON espumante. Took the chill off the long drive from sea level up into the mountains of southern Brazil to Bento Goncalves.

Milton helps us get our bags upstairs after a long journey to bento Goncalves and Brazil's wine country! These two elevators were fun and what great views, too.

Our dining space down in the lobby of the hotel to the left side as you enter where Danielle would soon help us with an assist from Milton.

I am inspired still by Brazil...and Milton, you were the spark, the magic, the fire, the warmth and what ultimately made my trip to Brazil's wine country as grand as it was. Thank you for that. Take care and hope to see you again. Muito obregato! TONY

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