Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Rainy Day In Brazil's The Vale Dos Vinhedos Com Laurent , In Late June 2012 : We Are On The Verge Of Something Very Special!

This was quite the experience, quite the opportunity, quite the way to pass a day driving through Brazil's Vale Dos Vinhedos just outside their town Bento Goncalves. It was warm even though it was their winter there in late June 2012.

I was having the time of my life driving in the passenger seat of a Fiat that drove like a small, stick-shift tank : and yet it was all lush, verdant, green, growing and such a great treat and discovery.

I felt like the only American there in the Vale Dos Vinhedos. I might have been, too?!? No way to know. When I did ask Paula and Barbara if they knew of any other Americans there they paused and said : " There is a British gentleman married to a Brazilian woman and they decided to raise their children in Brazil and not England. "

Anyway, even in the winter and the cool and refreshing drizzle this Vale Dos Vinhedos is beautiful and the wines are really quite special and unique and many of them filled with promise.

I am so glad that I took the time and the effort and the ten days to discover just how special this region, it's people and it's wines are and I look forward to going into much more detail about all of this here and elsewhere really soon.

There is still so much for me to learn and yet I feel that I have learned many books' worth in my ten days. This is the beginning of a glorious new relationship that I intend to pursue and develop actively. I have already been working on it for the last five or so months and it is so stimulating and fun and I smile always when I think about it all.

So please stay-tuned as I will have many more observations and petit revelations to impart. This is a really " happening " place of the world and yet no one knows it yet! How is that?!?! My/ our opportunity : let's grab it, let's work it together - let's grow together.

These are the vines that border the narrow country roads that we drove down in our Fiat.

I should have rolled my right window down on some of these. Sorry, I did not think of it at the time. I was too excited.

They still give a real sense of wines sleeping! They will wake-up and come to a flowering life once again shortly. We just have to wait and be patient. I have many more pictures and will add them gradually here so you may all see better these vineyards and the views that they afforded us in this green and blossoming valley of southern Brazil. To see blooming oranges and so much really green vegetation between the rows of vines was breathtaking : I loved it all, ate it all up!

Pretend it's a cool and refreshing and rainy day outside as you look at these pictures. Picture the grapes as well as the wines and their colors. Close your eyes, come and get some of the wines of Brazil to taste. You will not be sorry. Leave a comment here below and I will respond. I/ we can help you discover the excellent wines of Brazil.

Like I said it's all just staring to happen. This is the calm before the storm of activity and growth that Brazil will have so soon.

Let's be on the cutting-edge together and be an integral part of this wine experience that is uniquely Brazilian and well-worth any efforts that we will make with rewards that will gratify, stimulate, inspire and impress even the most skeptical of us. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn

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