Friday, July 13, 2012

MIOLO Last Night With Daughter & Wife Thursday, July 12th 2012 : Still Lovely After Four Days Open! BRAVO!!

It's especially nice when you can try a wine that you have left in your refrigerator for the better part of a week ans still enjoy it thoroughly. That's exactly what happened yesterday to the MIOLO Brut sparkling espumante from Brasil's major wine-producing/ grape-growing region called the Vale Dos Vinhedos with the capital city being Bento Goncalves. It was still bright and fresh and still in possession of many of it's delicate bubbles.

I asked my wife and daughter to come outside onto our deck and join me last night, Thursday evening at 7:30PM or so, July 12th, 2012. I had already worked all day here in Washington D.C. in the Cleveland Park N.W. neighborhood at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008, Tel : 202-363-4265, also on Facebook at : Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits and on Twitter at : cpwinespirits ). I wanted to enjoy some of the day , even sharing it with the hungry female mosquitoes and the humidity. It was nice to sit outside and sip this excellent MIOLO espumante N.V. brut with my wife and simply relax and enjoy being in each other's company before dinner.

The MIOLO Brut ( $16.99 ) was still bright and lively and very fresh-tasting. Medium-bodied, it did not seem to have lost anything. If anything to me it seemed a bit more concentrated and the balance of flavors seemed even more obvious and I enjoyed it even more last night than when we first opened the bottle. This pleased me as you can imagine because I was not expecting to enjoy the MIOLO as much as I did because it had been sitting in our refrigerator already for four days. This is all good news.

We did enjoy thoroughly the MIOLO Brut N.V. espumante from Brasil and it paved the way for a really nice dinner a bit later with my wife and my daughter.

Tudu bem , abregado. TONY

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