Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Brazilian Females Of Italian Descent In Their Fourth E Fifth Generation In The Vale Dos Vinhedos In Southern Brasil Are Splendid!

It is quite striking to see so many handsome Brazilians of Italian descent from the regions of both Trento and Veneto that settled in southern Brasil's wine region called the Vale Dos Vinhedos looking so striking, so splendid, so beautiful and so thin and healthy and often quite stylish, too. This has taken me quite by surprise, this has very much caught my attention, this has pleased and made me quite content. I have loved my contact with them all and have now many wonderful stories, impressions, exchanges and really feel as if I have made definite inroads into breaking the exterior- the surface ice that I have heard about where if you are not one of them, have the right name, the right credentials, if they have not heard of your family or know whom you are , that it might take a very long time before they socialize with you. This may be true, I might have felt some of this or received some of this and not even really realized what was happening? This may be because I am so extroverted and want to make friends so quickly that I do not even allow for this type of possibility where I am concerned?!? Who knows? I love people and I simply want to get to know them and I just push on ahead without much regard for this possibility.

The Italian fourth and fifth generation Brazilians of Italian descent here in the town of Bento Goncalves and the surrounding areas this winter in Brasil have been lovely and stunning and so fit and attractively dressed that it was a constant pleasure and treat for me to be surrounded by so many of them on a daily basis. Where were any fat or unattractive Brazilian females? I saw perhaps a handful and by my standards anyway even these females were still quite lovely and attractive. I was mesmerized, I was cajoled, I was teased, I was drawn and my eyes were caught off guard at first and then continuously captured and worked. They did it all so effortlessly, they were probably totally unaware that they were having this quite profound effect on me. And being an artist the effect was even stronger and I felt their pull on my attention even more strongly. I loved it : I absolutely adored it - it pleased me to no end.

So, I bow, I salute , I cheer and I say a loud and resounding " bravo " to all the Brazilian females that I met of all ages of either the fourth or the fifth generations of Italian females during this their winter in and around the mountain town of Bento Goncalves. They are glorious and what a splendid time it was for me to try so many excellent wines and to feast my palate of them as I feasted my eyes on all these lovely Brazilian ladies in Brasil's largely still undiscovered wine country. I've been all my life in love with Brasil and this reinforces that love that started when I was only a child of two years of age and that has continued to the present.

Tudu bem, mais obregado! TONY

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