Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reading Fernanda Mari Zattera's " Vinho & Paixao Historias De Vinho ... " In Portuguese / Learning Language & Wines Of Brasil

This is a great way for me to both learn Portuguese as well as about the wines of Brasil as I read Fernanda Mari Zattera's book : " Vinho & Paixao - Historias de vinho e de seus apreciadores ". I understand at least 50% of what I read if not more and I can't wait for my Brasilian / English dictionary arrives so that I can piece all the bits together. It's like one big and fascinating puzzle all about the history of wines and especially about the history of wines since 1999-2000 when it seems that there has been a sort of mild revolution as many of the 4th generation give their legacies, hopes, aspirations, dreams and faith to the fifth generation. In fact it seems as if these two generations are working pretty much hand-in-hand to accomplish so much in such a short period of time : fifteen and less years. What great heights they have attained together. They should be proud of this and Fernanda Mari Zattera's book sure does paint a great picture of these efforts and both successes and failures as these mostly Italian heritage families from both Trento and the Veneto proceed forward.

I have learned about a whole new vocabulary of grape varieties as well as approaches through different styles and grapes that I never hear much about in the United States like the Isabel and the Bordo grapes , even the Niagara grape. This is exciting : this is something not being done or at least not being spoken of in the United States. At least not spoken of in the Washington D.C. metropolitan region where I manage Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits in Cleveland Park N.W. Washington D.C. This is encouraging to me.

I encourage you all to purchase a copy of this. I understand through emails with Fernanda that the book is going into it's second printing. I hope that some will be translated into English. I will in the meantime get a whole lot of pleasure and satisfaction plodding along reading it in it's original language of Brasil's version of the Portuguese language. This effort on my part as I read and I write from this book will be filled with great rewards and insights.

Since I have been in the wine business for more than 30 years and much of the lingo and expressions, facts and ideas are already known to me it is not that difficult for me to follow especially since I spoke Brazilian Portuguese as a child and later learned both Spanish and French, also romance languages.

I will write more soon as I continue to read. In the meantime do make an effort to get a copy of this excellent book of Fernanda Mari Zattera. Cheers.

Fernanda, Eu estou contente para ler voce livro que eu ensenyo muito. Obregado, ate proxima. Anthony Alan Quinn

Obregado Fernanda!    TONY  3/29 / 2015

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