Thursday, July 19, 2012

Owner Of Brasil's LIDIO CARRARO Boutique Winery Comes To Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits, Thurs. July 19th, 2012, First Time, Tastes Current Vintages

Finally J have been able to add these more current pictures here to start with that I took this year within the last month or so to add to the older ones that follow. Cheers and enjoy, TONY

That Are Available Through Winebow Imports ... is how the headline should finish.

It was just Bastille Day , le 14 Juillet , 2012 and I did celebrate that as I love both Brasil and France.

These are old pictures and the one above is of our salesperson from Winebow Imports, Jody Jackman doing one of her weekend Friday Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel: 202-363-4265, also on Facebook at : Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits , also on Twitter at : cpwinespirits, check out my other blogs here like : ).

Jody Jackman and Kay Mallon of Winebow Imports will bring soon the owner of Brasil's winery called LIDIO CARRARO Boutique Winery that I still do not know. But one of our other wine reps Mark Congdon of J.W. Sieg Imports told me that he tasted the wines at a Wine Enthusiast Wine-Tasting perhaps three-four weeks ago here in Washington D.C. Is that correct Jody and Kay? I am sorry that I missed that. I would have liked to have tasted the wines then as I spent the years of 2-8 years of age there in Rio De Janeiro when it was the capitol, and then in Brazilia when it became the capitol ( 1955-1963 ? ) : I think those were the years. I loved what I still remember of them and have always loved Brasil as a result and always wanted to support Brasil where I can.

In my last store email that I have both posted on our Facebook page as well as our web page I spoke of the wines of MIOLO Family Winery that we currently have and have supported here for the last 4-5 years.

Here in Cleveland Park N.W. Washington D.C. two of our landmarks are the National Smithsonian Zoo as well as the large scree Uptown Movie House. The movie playing now at the Uptown is the " new " Spider Man with Anne Hathaway. Looks fun. I may see it, you never know.
It's hot and the summer here : so very hot and sticky with the sun beating down hard on everyone. In Brasil it's the winter time now. I wonder what the owner of LIDIO CARRARO Boutique Winery will think of this hot weather of ours? I will ask her if the weather in the Vale Dos Vinhedos that is up in the mountains is as hot?

I will fill in more soon. In the meantime enjoy these pictures I took before and wait for the new ones from today.

Bom dia e obregado ... Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn

Querido Anthony and amigos do Cleveland Park,
Foi um prazer e uma experiencia maravilhosa conhece-los, sentir a paixao e o envolvimento com o vinho e com as pessoas em torno dele! Este e o verdadeiro sentido de elaborarmos os melhores vinhos que pudermos e compartilhar experiencias unicas com as pessoas.
Faco um convite a todos americanos a descobrir o terroir brasileiro. Abracos, com carinho,
Patricia Carraro,
from Lidio Carraro Boutique Winery

Obregado Patricia, it has been great to meet you and taste with you just now here in Cleveland Park Wines! Cheers, TONY

Bom dia ...

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